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Fr Roland Colhoun, Newtownstewart, and altar server, Joseph Quinn, receiving a significant altar Missal for use in St Eugene’s Church, Glenock. The Missal has been donated to the parish on behalf of the late Bishop Edward Daly, who had this liturgical book for Masses in the Foyle Hospice, Derry, 2011-2016. He used it to celebrate his final Mass at home in July 2016.
NEW BENEDICTION BOOK - Newtownstewart - May 2018 : Fr Roland Colhoun, Newtownstewart, pictured with Mary McCullagh of Plumbridge who donated a new Benediction Book to Ardstraw East, her parish of origin. The book is dedicated to the memory of Mary's deceased siblings, the Gallagher family of Legfordrum.